Review Panels are set up to be entirely independent of your agency.
No panel member will have any previous association with your case. When you receive your papers for the panel it will include a list of panel members and you will have the opportunity to tell us if you believe a particular review panel member does have a conflict of interest.
Panel meetings are now held virtually via Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
There is a central list of panel members who have been appointed on the basis of their skills, qualifications and experience. They include both professionals and lay members with personal experience of fostering and adoption. In the waiting area at panel there will be a folder providing information on each panel member.
These panels will have at least 5 members who will be drawn from a central list of review panel members and will include:
This will be provided by a professional adviser who will be an experienced social worker with appropriate skills, experience. and knowledge of both adoption and fostering legislation and practice.
The panel may, where it considers it appropriate be advised by any of the following advisers who must be members of the central list:
A Chair with the relevant skills and experience will be appointed to each review panel.
A panel secretary will be present to make a record of the meeting.