Making a difference
The IRM can offer an independent review panel process where your agency is proposing not to approve you as a foster carer or adopter, or to terminate or change your terms of approval.
If you are a prospective adopter who has recently received a qualifying determination, the IRM Cymru can conduct a Review Panel and make a fresh recommendation to your agency.
If you are a prospective or an existing foster carer who has recently received a qualifying determination, the IRM Cymru can conduct a Review Panel and make a fresh recommendation to your agency.
Adoption Records
If you are an adopted adult or their birth and have been given a qualifying determination by your agency with which you don’t agree, you can apply to the IRM Cymru for an independent review.
Agencies & Providers
Prospective adopters or foster carers should be given information about the IRM if they have a qualifying determination
About IRM Cymru
The IRM can offer an independent review panel process where your agency is proposing not to approve you as a foster carer or adopter, or to terminate or change your terms of approval.

Annual Reports
IRM Cymru Annual Report provides an overview of the work we have carried out in any financial year.